Roca Labs Regimen Reviews: Roger’s Story

Roger had been obese since the age of 8. Now, at 35, Roger has struggled with his weight for over 20 years. To lose the weight, there wasn’t much he hadn’t tried aside from undergoing gastric bypass surgery. Every method had the same results: he’d experience a weight drop and soon regain it, plus, a little more than before. Not only did he look bad, but he felt even worse. He suffered from migraines, hyperthyroidism, circulatory problems and more.

Physically he was very tired, and he could not even make it up a flight of stairs without feeling exhausted. Shopping for clothes was aggravating to say the least; when he did find itmes that he liked. they did not come in his size.

Roger was embarrassed to take his shirt off at the beach, since he hated the way he looked. His “AHA” moment came when he went to iFly ( an indoor skydiving practice place ) and he was unable to participate because he was too fat!

Roger loves his family and didn’t want to die early, suffer from a stroke, heart attack or even develop diabetes because of his weight. He refused to miss any of his children’s childhood because of his obesity. He knew he had to take control of his life and body for a better future.

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Roger decided to have the gastric bypass surgery. He thought this was his only solution to achieve a healthy weight. He began looking on the internet for reviews of each surgery. Roger was searching to see what type of weight loss surgery would work best for him. He compared the gastric sleeve to the gastric bypass as these were the two that he  was most familiar with and seemed the most popular. He was concerned because most of the people he knew that had gastric bypass surgery had suffered many complications and side effects. As he was searching, he found a blog that someone had written about an alternative to gastric bypass surgery that helped them lose the pounds and maintain a healthy weight.
Roger searched further and found the Roca Labs regimen. He was shocked to learn that the Roca Labs regimen was able to create a gastric bypass effect without having to undergo the actual surgery. He was excited to get started and ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle. He immediately filled out the application and was approved within a few hours.

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Roca Labs Gastric Bypass Alternative

Roger began using the Roca Labs regimen in September 2013. He weighed 300+ pounds and was wearing a size 48 in pants and a 52 jacket. He states that his biggest challenge was the month of December. He always seemed to gain weight this time of the year, but last December he actually dropped 12 pounds!

Roger realized that his obesity was a sickness–sometimes it was psychological and other times physical. He learned he could fight the sickness by changing his mentality and using the Roca Labs regimen as a support tool.

Changing the Way He Looked at Food

Roger used to think:

  • I need to eat a lot or I will become malnourished
  • I need to eat more than the rest of my family
  • I need to eat everything on my plate
  • My stomach is bigger than other people, so I need more food
  • Food equals comfort and I need to eat when I’m stressed
  • If I skip breakfast I need to eat more to compensate
  • I need to eat more at night
  • Always eat when I feel hungry

Now he knows:

  • He won’t become malnourished if he eats a well balanced meal
  • He no longer uses food for comfort; he used the Anti-Cravings® at 5 p.m. everyday to eliminate cravings
  • The stomach capacity is like the size of your fist, if you continue to eat after fullness it will expand.
  • Sometimes hunger feelings are really thirst feelings
  • He does not need to eat large portions
  • It takes your stomach 10 minutes to send the signal to the brain that you are full.

Roger’s Tips and Tricks to His Success Using the Roca Labs Regimen

  • When he feels hungry between meals, he does not snack; instead he drinks water or chews a piece of sugarless gum.
  • He uses a smaller-sized plate
  • Instead of eating high calorie foods at mealtimes, he opts for a healthier choice. Instead of fried he chooses grilled foods including vegetables!
  • He made exercise a part of his daily routine
  • He used the success belt and measured his body each month for inches
  • Changing your mind changes your body!

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Roger’s weight has dropped down to 220 pounds; he has achieved a 100-pound weight loss. He is wearing a size 38 in pants and a 46 jacket. He enjoys exercising and weight lifting–something he thought he would never do. He even runs to get upstairs! Roger is no longer suffering from migraine headaches.

He states: “I feel so good! I think God helped me find Roca Labs.”

His family is so proud of him and he receives many compliments from both family and friends.

Roger lost 100 pounds using the Roca Labs Regimen, and took advantage of the Roca Labs Reward program; however, his greatest reward was his health and improved looks and his second was the way his daughters look at him.

Roger believes in paying it forward and is committed to inspiring others to lose weight. He says he found Roca Labs through a blog and it is only fitting that he shares his Roca Labs success the same way!

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Roca Labs Before and After–Chris went from Fat to Fit in Only a Few Months!

RL 19Chris, is 41-years-old and lives in Dallas, Texas. He works as a production lead person. When he was 24, he lost his job as a physical laborer and had to take an office job. Chris was not as active with this sedentary job and began to pack on the pounds. He was eating fast food and pizza 3 to 5 times a week. Before he even realized it, he weighed over 250 pounds. He was wearing a size 36 in jeans and found that they were getting very tight to the point where he actually split the seams on two pairs at work. He was so embarrassed! Chris hated having his picture taken and would hide from the camera. He didn’t want to see himself. Chris hated the reflection in the mirror and decided he had to do something to change it.

Tried and Failed Weight Loss Methods

Chris tried taking diet pills, but really didn’t like the way they made him feel. He even did some diets like Atkins. They would work at first, but never in the long run. He would lose around 10 pounds but always ended up gaining it right back plus more. He felt like he was a yo-yo–so much up and down movement on the scale. He felt he tried it all out there besides gastric bypass surgery. He didn’t want to go the surgery route, but he needed something strong and effective to help him control his eating.

The Search and Finding Roca Labs

Chris started looking on the web for the best weight loss surgeries. He was searching for the LAP-BAND® and the Roca Labs Gastric Bypass NO Surgery® came up. It peaked his interest and he decided to visit the site to learn more about the Roca Labs Regimen; Chris decided to do a search for some before and after stories. He was pleased to find there were many success stories. He decided to fill out an application to see if he would even qualify to use the formula. Chris was approved within 24 hours. He was excited to get started.

So it Began

Chris admits that he was nervous the first day he took the Roca Labs Mixture. He didn’t know what to expect and he really wanted this to work. After consuming his first dose, he could actually feel the gastric bypass effect. “My stomach actually felt smaller,” said Chris.

He was now able to eat about half of what he had been eating on a daily basis. Since he was not a morning eater, Chris took his Roca Labs mixture in the afternoon, as this is what worked best for him. One of the great things about Roca Labs is that is customizable. You can decide when to take it and how much to take–whatever works best for you. In the evening, he would take the Anti-Cravings® to fight those late-night cravings.

Chris believes the Anti-Cravings® had a lot to do with achieving his weight loss as he had no desire to eat or snack at night like he did in the past. Chris also found another amazing benefit resulting from the use of the Anti-Cravings®. His desire to smoke cigarettes had greatly decreased!

RL 20Getting Results with Roca Labs

After using the Roca Labs Mixture for 5 months Chris was down to 182 pounds and wearing a size 32 jeans. After 7 months, he was weighing in at 170 pounds and wearing a size 30 in pants. He maintained that weight for a few months and decided to order an additional supply of formula so he could reach his goal weight between 155 and 160 pounds.

His current weight is 157 pounds. He started out wearing a size 36/38 pants and is now wearing a size 29!  Chris says he  would never have believed he would have lost that much weight without surgery.

“This, so far, has been a life changer and has made it to where I can compete in indoor soccer games again,” he stated.

Chris receives compliments all the time now from friends and family. Not only does he look better, he’s much more active. People are even saying he looks younger! His soccer teammates have even noticed how much faster and agile he is.
Chris used to suffer from back pain, but not anymore; he’s also quit smoking altogether! He feels healthier now than he has in over 20 years. Chris recommends the Roca Labs regimen to everyone that is trying to lose weight–it’s the safer method than opting for bariatric surgery.

Denise’s Successful Weight Loss Story with Roca Labs

RL 13Denise is 48-years-old and lives in Maryland; she’s a wife, mother and grandmother. Growing-up, Denise always struggled with weight issues. When she got married at the age of 19, she was already wearing a size 14. Then, after birthing four children just a few years after marriage, her weight kept creeping up more and more. Like most women, she found herself unable to get rid of the pregnancy weight.

Sure, throughout those years she had tried dieting and actually lost a few pounds several times. Yet, each of those times, the weight (and then some) came right back. She felt defeated and soon gave up on dieting all together.

Facing Obesity and Avoiding Surgery

Recently, Denise became a grandmother and she noticed that she was avoiding pictures due to her size. She knew she had a serious problem that needed to be addressed. She had to get the weight off. She didn’t want to avoid mirrors or run from the camera anymore.

She had talked with her doctor about gastric bypass surgery and had even began the process with her medical insurance for approval. But after her initial visit with the surgeon, both her and her family had reservations on the invasive surgery. Denise then decided that she needed to look for an alternative to surgery. She needed something as strong as a surgery, but without all the risks associated with it. Honestly, she was downright scared of the surgery.

Surprisingly, Denise’s husband was the one who found the Roca Labs Gastric Bypass alternative online, and he quickly shared the information with Denise back in January. After reviewing all the information on the website and reading reviews, Denise decided to order. She admits, she was alarmed at the price at first, but realized in the long run she would be saving money on food. It was still a lot cheaper than having gastric bypass surgery, even with insurance.

She was approved within 24 hours and received her first package a few days later. She was excited to get started! Denise set her mind to really doing this not only for her husband, kids and grandchildren, but also for herself.

Off to a Good Start

Denise started off her first day with the Roca Lab mixture; Denise said she could feel the Gastric bypass formula take effect immediately. Denise noticed she was not hungry like she usually was and did not get her usual hunger pains. She felt satisfied with eating smaller portions and did not feel deprived. She was surprised that the Anti-Cravings supplement worked perfectly. After taking it for about a week, she noticed she no longer had cravings for those bad foods that she used to have. Denise mixes her formula in the blender with any red juice mix, which she finds to be the best taste for her.

Achieving Weight Loss

The first month using Roca Labs Regimen, she lost 30 pounds! Seeing those results gave her the encouragement to achieve her weight loss and it kept her motivated. By May, she was down to 235 lb and so was her blood pressure. Her doctor even took her off her medication for high blood pressure! Denise’s doctor was very impressed with her weight loss. In the beginning, Denise used Roca Labs 5 days a week, but now she only uses the regimen 3 times a week.

By July, her weight loss has slowed down, but she continued to lose. Denise weighed 195 lb at this point. She could not believe that she weighed less than 200 lb–a first in a very long time. She lost a total of 130 pounds! Denise didn’t think that was even possible without having surgery. Her next goal was to weigh 150 pounds by Christmas.RL 14

Healthy Changes

Denise used to wear a size 4X. Today she is wearing a size 10/12! She reports that she feels healthier than she ever has in years.

She watches her two granddaughters full-time now, with plenty of energy to keep up with them. Today, she walks about 2 hours a day–something she never thought she would be able to do–plus, the pain in her back and joints was no longer present. And the best part? She isn’t camera shy anymore. In fact, she loves taking tons of pictures with her granddaughters.

Her  family and friends can’t believe the transformation Denise has gone through in such a short period of time. Friends and family are always complimenting her on how great she looks. Denise not only looks good, but more important she feels good. She is eating healthier and living an active life. Something she thought she would never be able to do on her own.

Denise states; “Not only did I get my life back, but I got the life that I want to live! Roca Labs Gastric Bypass Alternative really works and I’m living proof!”

Richard’s Story–One Man’s Adventure on Losing over 100 lb with Roca Labs

Rich 2The Beginning

Richard is a 59-year-old husband, father and former utility worker, who lives in Oregon. In 2007, Richard had to stop working due to a hip replacement and a bad back. He was put on permanent disability and stuck at home. Richard started gaining weight. He stands 5’’10” and his weight plummeted to 340 lbs. His BMI was an astounding 48.8!

He tried every diet there was—Atkins, Weight Watchers, diet pills, Dr. Oz’ advice—and would lose weight, but as soon as he stopped, he gained it right back.

This past year Richard told his wife, Jackie, that something had to give—he had to lose weight or he was going to die. Richard did not want gastric bypass surgery. He had known too many people who had undergone those types of surgeries. He didn’t like the diet restrictions you had to stay on for the rest of your life, plus, most of the people gained the weight they lost back eventually. Richard was looking on the internet for an alternative and found Roca Labs Gastric Bypass No Surgery. He had heard about it before and knew from what he read it had been successful in Europe for some years. He told his wife he was going to place an order, so he filled out the health application and was approved the same day. Richard was pleasantly surprised when he received his kit within a few days of ordering.

Starting the Roca Labs Regimen

Richard started taking the Roca Labs Mixture on March 3, 2014. He decided that he would only eat when he was hungry. He was going to eat to live and not live to eat. Richard found he wasn’t hungry, even on the first day he took it. He noticed that he could feel the gastric bypass effect that Roca Labs claims. His stomach did not feel as it had the capacity to hold as much food as it did before he started using the Roca Labs Regimen. He was eating very few calories a day. His wife was concerned that Richard wasn’t eating enough, but he told her that he wasn’t hungry. He felt great, and had a lot of energy—something that he lacked before. Due to his hip and back problems, he was limited as far as exercising, but he was able to do pool therapy 3 days a week and walk his dogs at least a mile every day. Richard would take the Anti-Cravings at lunch and dinner and it really helped him to avoid snacking. He just didn’t have the cravings anymore.

Losing and Gaining

Richard had lost an amazing 80 lbs. in only 3 months, and he stopped using the Roca Labs Regimen for about a month. Richard and his wife had gone on a couple of trips and he overindulged a bit. During this time, however, Richard did gain 15 lbs. Once he restarted the Roca Labs Regimen, though, he had lost 7 pounds within a week!

Richard got back on track weighing-in at 242 pounds, and was committed to losing 45 more pounds. His goal was to be below 200 pounds. He used to wear a size 48 (and was almost in a 50) now he’s wearing a size 40!


Richard  still enjoyed all the foods he used to, but he just ate smaller portions.Roca Labs taught him portion control. Richard loves pizza and before he would eat it several times a week, whereas now he limits it to one slice once a week. Richard says: “It is great not to deprive myself of the things I enjoy.”


Enjoying Life

His family and friends are so proud of him and tell him often how great he looks.  Richard’s family have planned an outing to go ziplining, something he was never able to do before. His family couldn’t be more excited! Not only does Richard look better on the outside, he also feels healthier and is able to do more physical activities. Richard has a Harley Davidson that he couldn’t ride for over a year due to the weight, but now he can take it out and enjoy a nice ride.

Weight Loss After Breast Cancer–Marty’s Story using Roca Labs Gastric Bypass NO Surgery



Marty is your average 42 year old working mother of two from Ohio. She works in the insurance field. In 2012 she was diagnosed  with breast cancer. Fortunately Marty won her battle against breast cancer and as of this writing is cancer free. After beating cancer, Marty now faced another challenge – losing weight.

Many cancer patients gain weight when they are treated with chemotherapy and steroids. The body may also hold onto this weight after treatment due to the use of hormonal therapy ( tamoxifen ) or even due to menopause brought on by chemotherapy. Feelings of weakness, tiredness, depression and a overall sick feeling leads to bad eating habits and  limited physical activity resulting  in unwanted weight gain.

Marty began her fight against fat about 5 months ago. She tried using diet pills ( over the counter and prescription ) to help her lose weight, but she found the side effects to unpleasant to deal with. She tried protein shakes, but reported that she was hungry an hour later. Marty also tried weight watchers and found she lost some weight but didn’t have the time or energy to stick with the plan and ended up gaining back what she lost. Marty met up with one of her friends that she hadn’t seen in awhile and noticed right away how much weight her friend had lost. Sharon, her friend who is a diabetic struggled  with weight most of her adult life. Marty immediately asked her what she had been doing to lose weight. Marty automatically thought that Sharon must have had gastric bypass surgery because she had lost so much weight in what seemed like such a short period of time. Sharon didn’t have gastric bypass or any other type of weight loss surgery, although she did consider it. Her friend explained she was using a regimen called Roca Labs Gastric bypass NO surgery. Marty was intrigued and wanted to try it for herself. Sharon gave some to Marty to try. From day one Marty felt a difference! She decided to go online and order her own Roca Labs.

Marty’s Weight Loss Journey using Roca Labs Gastric bypass NO surgery

After  using Roca Labs for only 3.5 months , Marty dropped 34 pounds! She went from a size 22 to a 14 pants size.

Marty starts her day by taking a dose of the Roca Labs regimen 5 days a week. From day one she could feel the gastric bypass effect in her stomach. She felt like she had very little room in her stomach and was only able to eat very little food. Even though Roca Labs is associated with a few avoidable side effects such as bloated stomach and gas, Marty did not experience any side effects. Marty stated that Roca Labs helped her to control her food portions. By controlling her food portions she was eating less and able to lose weight easily. Marty noticed that after only a few weeks of taking the Roca Labs Anti cravings supplement she no longer had her usual night time cravings. Her cravings for sweets disappeared and she found herself reaching for a carrot stick instead of cookie. She does not feel deprived or like she is on a diet. She is still able to enjoy all the same foods as before, just less of them. She has more energy than she’s had in years and is able to enjoy more quality time with her daughters.


Marty continues her weight loss journey with Roca Labs and is hopeful she will reach her goal weight within the next few months. She beat cancer and is positive she will beat the fight against fat too! Marty is a survivor and a true inspiration to everyone.

Remember Roca Labs is only a tool in assisting with your weight loss and if you want to succeed and drop the pounds, you MUST be in the right mindset and committed to your weight loss if not, nothing will help you with the battle against FAT.


Roca Labs Gastric Bypass NO Surgery for Seniors Weight Loss: Darlene’s Story

Darlene is a 75 year old mother of 5, wife and grandmother. In December of 2012 she weighed 265 pounds. Darlene has struggled with weight most of her adult life. She tried many different weight loss programs and failed to succeed. She would lose some only to gain it all back and more. Darlene was so depressed because of her weight she just didn’t do anything. She wouldn’t visit or go out, she just wanted to hide in her house. She couldn’t even walk without the use of a cane and had to stop to catch her breath after only walking a short distance. Darlene was not even able to pick up or play with her grandchildren. Darlene relied on her husband to do simple tasks for her. If she dropped something, he would have to pick it up for her because she just was not physically able to bend over and pick it up.

Darlene Before (2)

Darlene’s doctor told her if she did not do something soon about her weight she would be in a wheelchair within 2 years and ultimately the excess weight would lead to her untimely death. She knew she had to do something and soon. She immediately  began looking for places to have a gastric bypass surgery done. She was able to find a place in Las Vegas that was willing to do it only with her personal physician’s permission. Darlene’s doctor would not approve her for the risky gastric bypass surgery due to her current age and health. She left the doctors that day thoroughly disgusted and did what she always would when she was feeling that way and went on her computer. The first thing that popped up on her computer was Roca Labs Gastric Bypass NO Surgery. Darlene thought this was the answer to her prayers. She immediately filled out the qualification form and within 24 hours she was notified she was approved for use of the Roca Labs Gastric Bypass formula.

Darlene’s five daughters purchased the Roca Labs formula for her as a Christmas. It was the best Christmas gift she ever got she states. Darlene received her kit within 2 days after shipping and started the Roca Labs procedure the same day and has been losing weight ever since.

Darlene’s Weight by the Months

Starting Weight

265 lbs

February 2013

256 lbs

March 2013

246 lbs

April 2013

238 lbs

May 2013

229 lbs

June 2013

219 lbs

July 2013

210 lbs

August 2013

202 lbs

September 2013

191 lbs

Darlene Globe2

Darlene says this is the easiest weight loss solution she has ever tried. She just prepares a dose in the morning by mixing the formula with cranberry juice and goes on about her day as normal. She feels the gastric bypass effect immediately. She still enjoys food, but just less of it now. She is eating much smaller portions. The anti cravings supplement has helped to control and eliminate her cravings.

Since taking the Roca Labs formula Darlene is now able to do all the things she was not able to do before. She takes walks with her husband, enjoys shopping, and playing with her grandchildren. For the first time since she was a young girl she was able to get back up on a horse and go horseback riding! Darlene feels like a new person, a young person she states.  Her family is so proud of her, now they look forward to having their, wife, mother and grandmother around for a long time!

Darlene horse

Darlene is a true inspiration not only to Seniors struggling with weight loss issues, but for every obese person out there. She  says that if you are a skeptic to trust her she was too and now she is a true believer in Roca Labs procedure and has recommended it to many of her family and friends.

Watch her emotional video and you will be inspired too!

See more success stories from users just like Darlene.

Diabetes and Weight Loss

Roca Labs Success

Diabetes weight loss, 45lbs lost went from a size 24 to a 14

Roxie is a 43 year old female who has been struggling with weight loss for 25 years. She has tried  most of the diets and weight loss methods out there including; Nutri System, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Sutkamp cookies, and many more more through the years.  Roxie would always lose some weight in the beginning, but always ended up gaining it back plus more. (She would lose 10lbs and gain back 20! ) It was a never ending merry-go-round and she felt a battle she would never win.

Roxie’s Weight Loss History

A year and a half ago Roxie was told by her doctor that she had developed Type2 diabetes. She knew that she had to make some changes in her lifestyle in order to keep her diabetes under control. The extra weight was affecting her health more than she had thought and she had to make some changes in order to regain her health back.

Roxie made some changes, but really didn’t get serious until October 2012 when she fell ill with double pneumonia and was additionally diagnosed with asthma along with some other health problems. She says this was her “AHA” moment and it was time to really get serious about losing weight.

Her breaking point hit when she went to see her doctor and he said to her: ” You’re a beautiful lady, but you’re very very fat”. Roxie knew she was overweight and even FAT, but hearing it from another person out loud really hits you hard. She actually went home from the doctors visit and cried for awhile.

Roxie tried not eating , thinking that would help her lose weight. She would just skip meals altogether, but she knew that this was not a healthy choice and she couldn’t do it long term. She began searching the internet for weight loss solutions. Roxie came across gastric bypass surgery and knew that she needed something as strong as the surgery to help her shed the weight, but before getting surgery she wanted to see if there was something out there just as strong to use to help her win the fight against fat. She just wasn’t ready for an invasive surgery like gastric bypass and frankly she was scared of weight loss surgery. Roxie had known a few people who had actually underwent surgery for weight loss and had suffered from complications and on going medical problems. With all the medical issues Roxie already had she didn’t want to expose herself to anymore risks to her health if she could help it. While she was searching on the internet for weight loss and gastric bypass alternatives she came across the Roca Labs procedure.  As she read, Roxie was thinking this was exactly the tool she was looking for. As she read all through the pages she learned that the Roca Labs procedure gave similar results to a gastric bypass surgery with NO surgery. Best of all the procedure did not have all the side effects or complications of a gastric bypass surgery. Roxie made the decision to place an order that week for the Roca Labs, Silico Gastric Bypass.

Roxie’s Weight Loss Journey with Roca Labs

Roxie filled out a qualification form and within 24 hours she got an email stating she was approved for use of the Roca Labs formula. She was so excited when it came in the mail and surprised that it had gotten to her so fast. She started using the formula the next day. Along with the the formula Roca Labs also sends an anti craving supplement that helps to reduce and eliminate the urge for snacking. This is something that surgery couldn’t even do. Roxie was determined to give it a 110% for at least the first month. She followed all instructions to a “T”, not wanting to fail because of not using the Roca Labs formula properly.

Roxie started her weight loss journey with Roca Labs in the middle of October 2012 and her starting weight was 287.5 pounds. She wore a size 22/24 shirt and a size 22 in pants.

She took the Roca Labs formula in the morning on an empty stomach and mixed the formula with cranberry juice. She would add  juice to the activator then a scoop of formula and wait 10 minutes for the Silico Gastric Bypass to activate.  Roxie would eat as much as the Silico mixture as she could, making sure to drink the required amount of water then and throughout the day. Roxie noticed the effects on the first day. She stated: “The first day you use it you can tell the difference. You just feel full.”

Roxie’s meal plan:

“I do eat 3 meals a day and a snack. I eat smaller portions (usually less than half of what I normally eat). I typically eat oatmeal, fruit or yogurt for breakfast. For lunch I usually have soup, salad or a sandwich. I have popcorn or yogurt for a snack. For dinner I  usually have fish, chicken or steak with a vegetable. Sometimes sweet potatoes. I don”t really say I’m on a diet. If  I want something I eat it. I just don’t go overboard and I try to make healthier selections. For instance- instead of having chips I get fruit. If I want ice cream I get yogurt.”

Roxie uses the anti cravings in late afternoon and found that it really helped her avoid snacking and even better had helped balance her blood sugar levels!

Roxie stated that she personally did not experience any side effects, but the website does state that some common side effects can occur such as:  gas, bloating, dehydration, and diarrhea, but these are generally avoidable and can be overcome with proper use of the formula.

Pounds and Inches Lost

After using the formula for about 4 months Roxie lost 45lbs and dropped down about 10 clothing sizes and is now wearing a size 14. Not only does she look great, she feels great! Her blood levels are all now in the normal range and she is no longer dependent on using prescription medication to keep her Type 2 diabetes under control.

Roxie states: “I’m so thankful that I purchased Roca Labs. It’s the only thing that has worked for me.”

Roxie is still using the formula and hopes to reach her goal weight in a few months. Her progress is amazing , but remember that Roca Labs formula is only a tool to help you with your weight loss. It is YOU who MUST make the decision and have the right mindset in order to succeed. WIth Roca Labs and your own commitment you to can be a success story!

Roca Labs Natural Formula Review – A Personal Weight Loss Journey

My Weight Loss History

Hello my name is Fran. I am a middle aged woman in my early 40’s. I’ve been overweight most of my entire adult life. In 2010 I topped the scales at 235 pounds, I was morbidly obese!  At that moment I knew it was time to take control of my weight because it was taking a toll on my overall health. I found it difficult to do everyday activities. I often couldn’t complete a task without becoming short of breath. My cholesterol and blood sugar levels were extremely high putting me more at a risk for heart disease and diabetes. I sought the advice from my doctor. He advised me that I had to be put on a strict diet to lose weight or have gastric bypass surgery done if not my health would just continue to deteriorate.

Weight Loss Methods Comparison

I tried most of all the diet plans out there, Atkins, which lasted only a week. I’m of Italian decent and no way could I give up my bread and pasta! I tried the prepackage meals, which just left me hungry, and forget about Weight Watchers I’m a mom of 5 kids and a grandson I didn’t have time to go to Weight watchers meetings, and weight watchers online wasn’t any better. I tried the Alli diet pills, but they just left me running for the bathroom! I was beginning to think there was no hope left but gastric bypass surgery.

One day while I was surfing the web for alternatives to gastric bypass surgery I came across this site that claimed to have gastric bypass results without the surgery. It had to be false! How can something you drink take the place of actual gastric bypass surgery?

I was desperate to get this weight off and had to do something before my next doctors appointment in a month because if I didn’t I was going to have to start the procedure for gastric bypass surgery. I searched the net for Roca Labs reviews among other information. I had already lost enough money on diet schemes and wasn’t about to lose anymore.

My Journey with Roca Labs Gastric Bypass Alternative

I logged onto Roca Labs website and was impressed by all the success stories they had posted there. I researched more and found many people in the same situation that I was in. This was different from the rest of the diet plans I had been on. I knew I had to do something about my weight, but going under the knife for surgery was out of the question! I had to get myself on the track to a healthy lifestyle. I went on Roca Labs live chat and spoke to a representative. I had a lot of questions. Like how does it work, how does it compare to gastric bypass surgery or a plan such as weight watchers, and most important what are the side effects? They were very informative and answered all my questions. They informed me that one of the ingredients in the formula was beta glucan, which helps blood sugar levels and that the anti-cravings supplement would help me control my cravings. This was fascinating to me. If this was really true, this is something even gastric bypass surgery or weight watchers couldn’t do. I decided to order and start my journey to a healthy lifestyle. The cost was $480 which seems like a lot for a diet, but if this really worked like it said it did I would be saving a lot more money on food and improve my health.

Bottom Line: Roca Labs is Real – I started losing weight from the first day of the procedure just like my doctor told me. However, it is not as easy (but easier than gastric bypass surgery)

Before and After with Roca Labs Gastric Bypass

I am too shy to record myself for a video review but I kind of identify with these 3 Roca Labs Reviews here showing their success stories with before and after.

It really can’t be too hard if so many people are getting results from the very beginning! I found countless great reviews from people who share their weight loss journey in the form of vblogs. Here are some of my favorites, watch them and fuel your inspiration. Trust me, success is contagious!

Here is Tanya’s success story… if this doesn’t inspire you, I don’t know what will!

How does the thought of going for an invasive surgery to lose weight at the age of 76 sound? Scotty lost weight safely and without surgery… amazing?

I just love Annette, she proves how powerful Roca Labs is even if you are not overly obese and merely want to maintain you “ideal” weight. That’s the toughest of all weight loss goals!

Two days after ordering from Roca Labs, my package arrived. The package was prepared so nicely I felt like I was opening a Christmas gift. I was excited to get started. After reading all the instructions I prepared my first dose. I was committed to following this to a “T”. I was not about to let food control me anymore; I wanted to control the food! To my surprise it didn’t taste so bad.I mixed it with some Crystal light raspberry tea and it was good! Immediately afterwards I had this full feeling in my stomach as if it was smaller. Around lunch time I prepared myself a turkey sandwich and salad. I could not even finish the sandwich! I was shocked! This was amazing. I felt I finally had my food portions under control. I could not believe that I was satisfied eating only half a sandwich I literally had no room in my stomach for anymore than that.  This feeling continued each time I took the formula. After one week I weighed myself and I couldn’t believe what the scale said. I had lost 6 pounds! Ok some of it may have been water weight, but still it was a loss. I decided to not weigh myself again to after a full month already passed because I wanted to make sure that the initial weight loss was true and not only water. A month to the day I weighed in again and my total lost for the month was 19.5 pounds! I was on my way to a healthy lifestyle.

I went to the doctors that same month and he was almost as excited as I was with my weight loss. He said if I continued to lose weight and my blood sugar levels continued to come down that I would decrease my chance of developing diabetes and I would not have to do the gastric bypass surgery. He asked what I was doing to lose weight. If i was on a weight loss plan or just watching what I ate or counting calories. I told him I was using Roca Labs weight loss formula and to my shock he had heard of it. He asked me to give him the information on Roca Labs because of my success he wanted to recommend to other patients that were struggling with their weight. He wanted to follow up with me again in a month to make sure I was still on the right path of losing weight and a healthy lifestyle. I understood because with many of the diet plans I was on I would stick to them for about a month and fall back into my old routine and begin gaining the weight back.

The following month I returned to my doctor and had lost an additional 14 pounds. Not as much as the first month, but I was still losing. My doctor did more blood work and checked my blood sugar levels. A few days later he called me with the results. My cholesterol had dropped 8 points and my blood sugar levels were now completely normal and not in the danger zone! I couldn’t have been happier. I was not only feeling better, but I was looking better as well. My husband was impressed with my weight loss and started telling friends and family how proud he was of me for getting myself on track with a healthy lifestyle. My mother was also impressed when she seen my blood sugar levels because she was a diabetic herself and had always worried about me having to deal with the complications of diabetes.

Does Roca Labs Really Work?

I saw some people posting that Roca Labs promises a 100lbs+ weight loss and they could not lose more than 68lbs or so they think it is too good to be true. Others, like me in the beginning, did not use it correctly. Bottom line: probably the strongest weight loss without surgery out there on the market but you have to really want to lose your weight in order to succeed.

From personal experience using the Roca Labs plan I can say it works!. This is my personal journey and review. It has been 8 months now and I’m happy to say that I now weigh 187lbs. I am continuing to lose and am hoping by the end of summer I will be at 145lbs. I welcome any comments or words of advice to help me along my journey.
